Sustainability and green
Skanska Xchange is good for the environment in many ways. Customized gypsum and steel stud deliveries reduce the amount of wasted material. Skanska Xchange construction projects have a specified ceiling height, which allows us to do dimensional ordering of interior wall materials, lining, etc.
The construction site in Nyhamn was certified according to Skanska’s own eco-labeling system, Green Workplace. This means that a maximum of 5 percent of the waste from the construction site is permitted to go to landfill, the rest is sorted. Another example of a Green Workplace is the use of low-energy lamps for indoor and outdoor lighting. We always strive to make the best environmental choice, for example, green electricity and eco-labeled kitchen and hygiene products.
All of the chemicals used in Nyhamn have been carefully inspected. The requirement set for the development was that a minimum of 75 percent of the chemical products utilized should be classed as environmental-choice products or approved in the Swedish Chemicals Agency’s database.
The aim was to be a minimum of 30 percent below the requirement from the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning with regard to bought energy. Measurements demonstrate that the Nyhamn project is actually 36 percent below this requirement. Energy consumption will be followed up during the building’s guarantee period.
An additional method of checking the environmental impact of the project was through the measurement of the level of carbon dioxide-equivalents. We made our calculations in collaboration with Environmental Affairs during the project period.