Sustainability and green
Renovating this almost 40-year-old million homes program area will be a boost for its residents. Since tenants are staying put, it has been important to shorten construction times and cause as little disruption as possible to their everyday routines. VätterHem has conducted tenant surveys on a regular basis that have shown that complaints have not increased, despite the fact that we are inside, rebuilding the tenants’ apartments. Moreover, we have managed to maintain zero errors during final inspection.
Conversion from electric to district heating has reduced heating costs by 30% and is better for the environment.
The environment and safety are important even during the actual construction process. To date, we have completed approximately 500,000 work hours with zero accidents.
Råslätt is a Green Workplace, which means, among other things, that we meet Skanska’s criteria for low energy consumption and sortable waste. For example, we use energy-efficient lighting and have work bikes.