Our assignment
Råslätt is a partnership assignment involving close client cooperation. Consequently, subcontractors are on the same level as us during dialogues with the client, and they feel a greater responsibility to deliver according to plan and on budget.
All tenants remain in their apartments during the renovation, which poses special requirements on those of us performing the work. It is important to have meetings with everyone involved at the start of the project. Residents need to get answers to their questions and feel comfortable about the situation.
Our employees and subcontractors are considerate of the residents and willingly answer questions. Things are going surprisingly smoothly thanks to a positive attitude on the part of everyone.
”48 nationalities are represented in this residential area. Sometimes it can be a little difficult with the languages, but we have resolved that. At the cleaning firm, there is a cleaner who knows several languages, while VätterHem has caretakers who know other languages,” explains Jan Aspång, Product Manager at Skanska.
Construction process
Enabling tenants to remain in their apartments requires good planning. We hold a construction meeting every month and weekly meetings with the skilled workers and subcontractors.
The time it takes to complete an apartment has been reduced from six weeks to 17 days. That means less hassle for the residents and 20% lower costs. We are finding intelligent solutions that we are making sure get reused during the project. These solutions are very useful also for other Skanska projects, since we compile all new knowledge into our knowledge bank – Miljonhemmet.
In customer surveys, VätterHem has proven to be a very satisfied customer, which they have also shown us through their continued confidence. They have reached a service agreement with us for several nearby communities.