
M25 Motorway, UK

Green Solutions Carbon

We have not developed a preliminary carbon footprint, however we monitor the carbon footprint of the project on a monthly basis and compare this against benchmark values set by DEFRA for construction projects.  We use the HA Carbon Capture Tool (CCT) for this purpose.

We have integrated the CCT with value engineering and part of the process involves and environmental assessment of each option, this includes an assessment of the difference in embodied carbon and CO2 emissions. We have saved a significant amount of CO2 through use of sustainable solutions e.g. use of recycled content and value engineering e.g. replacement of sheetpile wall solutions with earthworks solutions.

 We monitor energy use and have energy reduction plans in place for the site compounds / projects offices.  The core team offices are in rented office space and we don't have control over how the building is managed.  J22 and J29 compounds are significant and measures have been implemented to reduce the energy consumption, although there are further measures that could be taken.

We monitor fuel use across the project for construction plant and equipment and the intelligent fuelling system means that fuel use for each item of plant can be tracked which enables efficiency to be determined to some extent.  Most temporary VMS signage equipment is solar powered.

