A high security project
The Hall Correctional Facility, located outside Södertälje, is one of the country's largest maximum-security prisons with a security classification of level 1. On behalf of Specialfastigheter, Skanska has constructed a new prison covering 11,500 square meters. We were awarded the contract at the turn of the year 2018/2019.
The new prison includes cells, activity areas, staff facilities, healthcare facilities, and technical areas.
Preparatory works began in 2019
Before the construction of the new facility could commence, new walls were built next to the existing facility. This was done to separate the project from the ongoing operations. Two old buildings and a chimney were demolished.
The preparatory works started in 2019 and were completed by the spring of 2020. We then commenced work on the actual prison.
High emphasis on security
The project had a strong emphasis on security. Everyone working on the project had to be pre-registered with their personal identification number, which was cross-checked against the criminal record. This requirement also applied to drivers arriving with deliveries. All vehicles entering the worksite had to be pre-registered with their license plate numbers.
In addition, everyone entering the worksite had to pass through an X-ray scanner, and were logged with both ID-06 and the Swedish Prison and Probation Service's own reader.
Documents handled with care
Employees who required access to project documents had to sign confidentiality agreements. No documents could be sent via email. Printed documents could not leave the workplace, and were securely locked away at the end of the workday.
There was a strict no-photography policy at the worksite, and special permission had to be sought for each photo occasion.
Strict restrictions on mobile phones
Mobile phones were only allowed for production management, team leaders, and safety representatives. These phones had to be registered with IME numbers. For other employees, a "mobile hotel" was set up by the entrance where they could deposit their phones.
Employees who required a computer in their daily work had to pre-register the computer's serial number.
Confidential documents posed challenges
During the project, coordinating work with other contractors has been a challenge. Often, they had confidential documents, making it difficult for us to obtain information about activities that impacted the coordinated schedule.
Certification: Miljöbyggnad Gold Level
The new building will be certified according to Miljöbyggnad Gold level. Miljöbyggnad is the leading environmental certification system for buildings in Sweden. The requirements are stringent, and a total of sixteen different criteria for energy use, indoor environment, and materials are assessed.
Close dialogue with client and end user
The project took place in close proximity to ongoing operations. We maintained a close and open dialogue with the client, Specialfastigheter, and the end user, Kriminalvården (the Swedish Prison and Probation Service). We consistently coordinated all subtasks, prioritized planning and focused on communication throughout the process.
In October 2022, we closed the wall around the new prison, after which the Swedish Prison and Probation Service gained access.