
Before arrival at the workplace

We want our workplaces to be safe and healthy, so that everyone who works for Skanska will thrive. We also want our workplaces to be well organized so that you can focus on the tasks at hand without distractions.

To ensure you have a good start and a solid foundation for understanding what is expected of you, there are a few things that need to be in place before you arrive at the workplace.

Healthy competition and increased security through ID06

Everyone working at Skanska's workplaces must wear their ID06 card visibly and follow ID06 regulations. Everyone should also be able to present an approved form of identification upon request. The purpose is to make it difficult for unauthorized individuals to be present at our construction sites. This way, we can create safer and more secure workplaces, promote fair competition, and prevent undeclared work and financial crime.

Find out more about connecting your company to ID06 and ordering ID06 cards.

Find out more about requirements for registration of selected educations in ID06 Competence database

As part of creating safer workplaces, an industry-wide requirement has been developed, which means that a number of qualifying training courses must be registered in the ID06 Competence Database and thus visible on the ID06 card.

In addition to contributing to safer workplaces, the requirement will also ensure higher quality training. It will provide greater clarity for our subcontractors with common training requirements and help counteract unfair competition.

The following educations must be registered and visible on the ID06 card

Requirements from 1 July 2021

  • Safe Construction Training
  • Asbest: Asbestos - special training (requirements for decontamination), Asbestos, supplementary training (after five years)
  • Heta arbeten/Brandfarliga arbeten: Hot work

Requirements from 1 March 2022

  • Elsäkerhet​ – ESA Instruerad: Electrical safety - ESA Instructed
  • Elsäkerhet​ – Härdplast: Electrical safety - Hard plastic
  • Elsäkerhet​ – Kemiska arbetsmiljörisker (Härdplast): Electrical safety - Chemical work environment risks (hard plastic)
  • Arbete på väg Steg 2:1: Work on the road Step 2:1​
  • Arbete på väg Steg 2:2​: Work on the road Step 2:2​
  • Arbete på väg Steg 2:3: Work on the road Step 2:3​
  • Arbete på väg Steg 3: Work on the road Step 3

Requirements from 1 March 2023

  • Mobila arbetsplattformar: Mobile work platforms
  • Säkra Lyft​: Secure Lift​
  • Ställningar: Scaffolding
  • Fallskydd: Fall protection
Find out more about requirements for registration of selected educations in ID06 Competence database

Digital pre-registration

Skanska has a main contractor responsibility for our construction sites. This means we must ensure that rules and agreements are followed by both our own employees and subcontractors.

In order for us to be able to do this, you as a supplier need to pre-register your company and the personnel who will be active at the workplace. You also need to invite your subcontractors to pre-register.

This working method enables us to monitor and ensure in real-time that all companies working at Skanska's workplaces are reputable and competing on fair terms. Together with you as a supplier, we aim to promote fair competition and ethical construction practices.

Read more about how the digital pre-registration works

If you are going to perform work at a workplace that uses "Kula," you will receive an email invitation to pre-register your company in Infobric.

Once all background checks on the company have been approved, you should register the personnel who will be active at the workplace. At that point, you can also invite any subcontractors you may have to pre-register in the same manner.

The following requirements are checked by Skanska:

ID06 The subcontractors register the ID06 numbers for their employees
Collective agreement The subcontractor registers their answer
FORA insurance The subcontractor registers their answer
Posting certificate The subcontractor registers their answer
Certificate Safe Construction Training Control is done automatically by the system
A1-certificate Indirect control – ID06 checks when issuing ID06 cards
Residence permit Indirect control – ID06 checks when issuing ID06 cards
Work permit Indirect control – ID06 checks when issuing ID06 cards
F-tax verification Control is done automatically by the system
VAT registration Control is done automatically by the system
Read more about how the digital pre-registration works

Digital training and workplace introduction

To ensure that everyone who works at a Skanska workplace receives the same introduction and has a common minimum level of knowledge, we have a mandatory workplace introduction. All individuals active at any of our production sites are expected to complete Skanska’s workplace introduction and Safe Construction Training before arriving at the workplace.

Learn about the introduction to Skanska’s workplaces

  1. Safe Construction Training
    The training ensures that everyone has a common basic understanding of the most common risks at the workplace, as well as knowledge of how they are handled safely. After completing the training with a passing test result, the outcome is registered in the participant's ID06. Therefore, it's important that the participant, during the training, approves for the result to be recorded on ID06.

    You will find the Safe construction training here

  2. Skanska's workplace introduction

    Part 1. Focuses on our values, general conduct, health and safety rules, how to act in an emergency, and the caring culture we aim for.
    Part 1 is valid for a period of 1 year.

    Part 2. This part is workplace specific. It contains facts about the workplace and information about the most important things you need to know in order to stay safe in the workplace, such as work in progress or particular current risks.
    Part 2 is to be completed before each new workplace you will be working on.

    You will find Skanska's workplace introduction here

Participate in Skanska’s workplace introduction

Here's how you participate in the introduction:

  1. Register.
  2. Complete Part 1 and confirm that you have understood Skanska Sweden's values, general conduct, and health and safety rules.
  3. Part 2 – Your new workplace will be accessible after confirming Part 1. Search for the workplace where you will be working. You will get the workplace name from your contact at the workplace.
  4. Confirm that you have understood the content. You will follow the workplace's rules to ensure it is safe and healthy for everyone working there.
  5. Upon arrival, the workplace will verify that the introduction is completed and that you are aware of the specific workplace guidelines.

If you prefer to do the introduction in a group, it should be coordinated with the workplace management. Each participant must acknowledge that they have understood the different parts of the introduction. This is done using the form Acknowledgement of group implementation of workplace introduction.(In Swedish) The acknowledgements are handed over to the workplace management during the registration on the first day at the workplace.

Learn about the introduction to Skanska’s workplaces
Last updated: 12/20/2024